Leaders at HP Inc. regularly state that diversity and inclusion are critical to the success of the company This coincides with extensive research that shows companies with more diverse and inclusive workforces outperform their peers and have better financial results.
The company’s commitment to diversity and racial equity can inspire others.
HP Inc. created several initiatives to foster a diverse and inclusive workplace where everyone can thrive. These include a diversity and inclusion council, employee resource groups, training, and outreach programs. The company also sets diversity goals and regularly reports on its progress.
Here’s a close look at these initiatives and six lessons companies can learn from HP’s approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI):
1. Make DEI a priority
HP has made DEI a priority and has dedicated resources to promoting it within the company.
Making DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) a priority requires a commitment from the leadership and dedicated resources.
To start, companies can allocate a budget and create a dedicated team responsible for leading DEI initiatives. This team can work closely with the HR department to develop a DEI strategy that aligns with the company’s values and mission. This strategy should include goals, action items, and metrics to measure progress. Furthermore, it is important for the leadership to communicate the importance of DEI to all employees.
2. Drive Commitment to Diversity with a DEI Council
HP has established a Diversity and Inclusion Council, which provides leadership and guidance on DEI initiatives.
In order to establish an effective DEI council, companies need to choose a diverse group of employees. These members should represent different departments, levels, and backgrounds within the company. The council must have a clear mission and mandate, such as setting DEI goals, promoting inclusive practices, and monitoring progress. The council also needs to have clear processes for decision-making, feedback, and communication with other employees as well as the leadership team.
3. Support Employee Resource Groups
Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are self-organized and employee-led to represent underrepresented groups such as women, people of color, LGBTQ individuals, and veterans within a company.
Thriving ERGs can promote cross-functional understanding, create safe spaces and bring forth opportunities for innovative ideas to surface.
To support ERGs, companies can provide resources, encourage participation, integrate ERGs into decision-making, and measure progress for a positive workplace impact.
4. Provide DEI training
HP provides DEI training to its employees to help raise awareness and understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Providing DEI training is an important step in the commitment to diversity.
Companies must provide employees with the skills and knowledge they need to create a more inclusive workplace. Companies need to make training mandatory for all employees including senior leaders and managers, use interactive and engaging methods, provide follow-up resources, offer training on an ongoing basis, and ensure training is culturally responsive.
5. Set DEI goals
HP sets diversity goals and regularly reports on their progress to ensure accountability and measure success.
Setting DEI goals is an important step in the commitment to diversity and racial equity. First companies need to conduct a DEI assessment to gain a better understanding of their current DEI status and identify areas for improvement. This assessment can include surveys, focus groups, and data analysis. The next steps in setting DEI goals include engaging stakeholders, developing a DEI strategy, setting SMART goals, and assigning accountability.
By setting DEI goals, monitoring impact, and reporting on progress, companies can ensure that there is a meaningful commitment to diversity and racial equity.
6. Build Outreach programs
HP has outreach programs aimed at building a more diverse talent pipeline and promoting diversity in the broader community.
An important part of the commitment to diversity is creating outreach programs aimed at building a more diverse talent pipeline. Moreover, companies must identify target communities and partner with community organizations to drive diversity. Companies can drive racial equity by developing mentorship programs, hosting diversity events, and offering scholarships as well as creating pathways into vital roles within the industry. By providing resources and support, companies can help to build a more diverse and inclusive talent pipeline and promote DEI in the broader community.
Commitment to a diverse and inclusive workplace is a superpower.
Creating an inclusive workplace leads to social justice and improved business performance.
Commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and equity creates a workplace where all employees feel valued and respected. This results in a more positive work environment where more people thrive. This leads to enhanced productivity, improved morale, increased job satisfaction, lower turnover, and commitment to the organization. In turn, high engagement leads to increased innovation, better customer satisfaction, and a solid reputation with potential employees, customers, investors, or other stakeholders.