With Google’s announcement to block 3rd-party cookies from Chrome by 2022, digital marketers must pivot their strategies under a ticking clock. Unraveling this trend and figuring out what’s next has many layers.
It requires us to look at the increasingly complex relationship we have with our data.
Data is complex
In its simplest form, DATA are the facts and statistics collected for reference and analysis.
In the last couple of years, the debate on data has been all the rage. The conversations have reflected its complexity. Against this complexity, we want to provide some clarity and perspective.
Think about it – the internet is a relatively new invention that’s completely changed everything. We use it to relay messages, stay connected, browse, hold our memories, and share a range of data.
Discussions on data often cover where it’s going, who’s taking your information, what information is being recorded, how it is being used, and ultimately privacy.
Privacy is Disappearing
As digital citizens, we leave an ever-growing breadcrumb trail of personal data behind us every minute of every day. And through recent years – and recent scandals – this has increasingly troubled us.
In 2013, 56% of internet users were concerned about the internet eroding their personal privacy. By 2019, this had climbed to 61%.
Before then, most consumers didn’t understand from all of the shrink-wrap agreements they have clicked “accept” on that their data was being bought and sold. Recently more people are learning how, in some cases, data is used to manipulate our online behavior and so much more.
Every time we enter a website, app, or any internet platform the following is recorded but not limited to:
- Location
- Device being used
- Advertisements clicked
- What posts or items you liked or commented on
- What CPU or GPU is being used
- Battery life on your device Plug-ins installed
- Mouse movements on screen
Scared But Not Scared Off
All of this sounds very scary for the consumer. In 2013, GWI found that 56% of internet users felt concerned that the internet was invading their privacy. In 2019, their concerns increased by 5% to 61%.
Fast forward to January of 2020; Google announced that by 2022, they would expel third-party cookies from Chrome.
As marketers, we know that this is not your average chocolate chip cookie from Diddy Riese. Cookies are small files that websites send to your device to monitor you and remember certain information about you — like what’s in your shopping cart on an e-commerce site, your login information, etc.
Lots of countries got laws that require website cookie notifications showing which are necessary or unnecessary, and how they are being used.
Cookies Don’t Taste the Same
Let’s be honest, the cookie notification doesn’t protect users completely but promotes the idea of transparency.
With the removal of cookies, Google promised they would come up with a more private alternative that users and advertisers would enjoy. Although there have been some examples like the Federated Learning of Cohorts and support for the removal of third-party cookies, the fear around data reduced due to the pandemic.
The Pandemic and Data
Privacy concerns took a back-seat to the pressing concerns of containing the spread of COVID-19. Contact tracing was introduced to the world. Apps were built to notify you if someone around you has Covid-19.
Across 18 markets, 3 out of 4 people said they trust the government in contact tracing. In addition, 30% said they trust technology to improve their health. 41% of global consumers said they prefer to exchange their personal data rather than pay for services to safeguard their data, according to a GWI Study on the outcomes of the global pandemic.
What Does This Mean for Marketers?
Fortunately for brands, advertisers, and publishers, the implications are positive.
Consumers’ relationship with data privacy is evolving; it’s up to the industry to nurture it in the right way.
Data exchange is attractive when users see personal benefits Share on XThe best way for your customers to be convinced to give up their data is by framing it as it is best for their user experience. Remind them that data sharing allots a customized experience, and the knock-on effect is likely a stronger sense of seeing advertising that reflects you.
Show them their awesome experience does not have to change, and with transparency, they get what they want.
That type of feeling is what brands strive for.
The future is here.
The digital future will reward those who can take advantage of it. To this end, we are constantly learning, and staying abreast of advancements and updates to keep our clients ahead of the game online. We’re obsessed with helping you achieve your objectives even in a changing landscape. Learn more about how we can help you get more done.